Wednesday, November 18, 2009


supergirl and i both have a cold. right upon our return from our vacation! the only bright side is that we're sick at home, vs while we were abroad! my symptoms are all one day behind supergirl's- so it's safe to assume she got it first! (most likely from her auntie!!) my sister picked us up from the airport, the next day she calls to tell me she has a fever! surely enough 3 days later, supergirl started having a running nose and fever. by friday i had a fever. it's been 6 days, and we both seem to be feeling better. but her auntie insists it 'could not' have been her that got us sick. well ok. maybe a slim chance it wasn't. superman is fine though. and auntie was 'all over' supergirl- like showering her with kisses the night before she got a fever. go figure!

the strangest thing is, i'm also nearing my period, so between feeling absolutely awful with a cold, jetlag, and my pending period- my APPETITE IS GI-NORMOUS. i eat so much, non-stop and i binge; even with a sore throat!!! i look like i'm at least 3 months pregnant right now. it's due to my overeating, and some bloating. i eat till i'm so stuffed and my stomach feels like it's gonna to be overstretched, but i can't stop!! goodness!!!

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